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The knee is one of the complex and strongest joints in the human body.

It plays a significant role in supporting the body’s weight and allows the movement of lower limbs.
Also, the movement of the knee joint is essential for sitting,standing, and walking.

Any disability to the knee joint can hinder everyday activities. Until date, most of them prefer conservative treatment to relieve knee pain in the form of medications, physical therapy, and surgical intervention for chronic knee conditions.

With numerous advancements happening in the field of orthopedics, cell therapy is gaining attention with its advantages over traditional orthopedic treatments.

Cell therapy helps to reduce knee pain and promotes knee cartilage regeneration & repair. Over the past two decades, numerous research papers have been published regarding the potential of Cells and Platelet Rich Therapy in knee cartilage regeneration.

The regeneration capacity of stem cells has paved the way for the novel regenerative therapies in the field of orthopedics.

The Cellular treatment for the knee repairs the damaged knee cartilage with the help of the patient’s own biological cells. The Cellular therapy procedure can be completed without an incision on the skin.

Regenerative Cellular therapy for knee cartilage is the most effective non-surgical treatment option for knee conditions, such as meniscus tear & cartilage damage leading to knee pain and knee arthritis.

Understanding the use of cells , also known as the master cells, which are the specialised cells that can develop into different cell types in the body.

Cellular Therapy has a unique potential to repair, regenerate, and restore healthy tissue. This enhances their ability to be used in the treatment of various diseases and medical conditions.

Cells can differentiate into bone, muscle, cartilage, ligament or tendon. The  cells secrete a protein called cytokines that plays a significant role in tissue repair.

Cells maintain the integrity of the tissue in which they are present.  The application of stem cells in non-surgical orthopedic treatments enables faster regeneration of the cartilage tissue.

Cells for Cartilage Repair

The joint cartilage promotes the easy movement of the joint surfaces and cushions the bone from friction. Cell therapy for knees heals the tissue by controlling the damage and preventing the death of the cartilage tissue.

Stem cell clinical trials for knees is one of the most happening stem cell research in the field of orthopedics.

Cells enable the regeneration of healthy cartilage tissue and are an effective alternative to knee replacement.

The Cellular treatment for knee osteoarthritis enables the regeneration of healthy cartilage tissue in the damaged part of the knee.

Needle-Based Approach to Treat Knee Arthritis

Knee arthritis can now be treated with Cellular injections without a need for surgery. Cellular therapy for knee arthritis helps to repair the damaged tissue and regrow the healthy cartilage in the knee.

By using precise-image guided techniques, such as ultrasound, the customized concentration of Cells are injected at the site of injury or damage.

In some instances, the  cell injection is followed by platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy, which contains a highly concentrated form of blood platelets.

The growth factors from PRP injections repair the damaged cartilage, reduces inflammation in the knee, and helps in rebuilding the knee cartilage.

The combination of  cell therapy and PRP procedure helps to boost the cartilage regeneration. Cell injections to repair knee cartilage not only prevent the further deterioration of the knee cartilage but also protects the healthy tissue surrounding it.

With comprehensive research on the use of Cells for knee joint treatment, it is believed that  cell therapy works by controlling the inflammation and releasing a protein known as a cytokine, which slows down the cartilage degeneration.

This, in turn, reduces the pain in the knee and enables easy mobility. The  cell injections are administered under complete aseptic precautions using a mist / cold spray and the entire procedure takes approximately 1 hour  . The regeneration of essential cartilage cells post-stem cell injection gradually minimizes the natural deterioration of the knee cartilage tissue.