Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between PRP and  Cell Therapy for Joints?

PRP has an average growth factor of 8 and  Combined cellular Therapy has a much larger growth factor  meaning the recovery time is shorter and the potency to enhance the damaged area is higher.

I have heard about  MSC  Cells on the internet , what is it ? 

Cells (UC-MSCs) are a class of multifunctional stem cells isolated and cultured from umbilical cord. They possessed the characteristics of highly self-renewal, multi-directional differentiation potential and low immunogenicity. In many countries it is an accepted for of therapy.

What is PRP

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy uses injections of a concentration of a patient’s own platelets to accelerate the healing of injured tendons, ligaments, muscles and joints. In this way, PRP injections use each individual patient’s own healing system to improve musculoskeletal problems.

How does HBOT (hyperbaric OxygenTherapy) help the healing process?

HBOT helps wound healing by bringing oxygen-rich plasma to tissue and injuries starved for oxygen. Wound injuries damage the body’s blood vessels, which release fluid that leaks into the tissues and causes swelling. This swelling deprives the damaged cells of oxygen, and tissue starts to die.HBOT is also known to enhances the bodies ability to boost its immune system.

What is Colonic hydro-therapy ?

Colon cleansing, also known as colon therapy, or colon hydrotherapy, or a colonic, or colonic irrigation encompasses a number of alternative medical therapies  to remove unspecified toxins from the colon and intestinal tract by removing  accumulations of feces.

What is HIFU and how will it help my face? 

High-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) is a relatively new cosmetic treatment for skin tightening that some consider a noninvasive and painless replacement for face lifts. It uses ultrasound energy to encourage the production of collagen, which results in firmer skin.

What is the cost of PRP and Cellular Therapy for Joints and OA related illnesses?  

PRP starts at 5000 bht per treatment , and Cellular Therapy with follow up PRP  from 20,000 bht . There are many promotional packages available by contacting  Zen Clinic Customer Service

What is the cost for Cellular Therapy for Regenerative Related Illnesses or rejuvenation? 

It is not possible to quote a fixed price for Cellular therapy until a consultation with the Zen Doctors takes place as there are many underlying factors that need to be looked at in-order to make a correct patient assessment based on past medical and current medical history. Many clinic’s advertise a number of cells at a set price , You need to remember stem cells are not a medication you buy over the counter like a vaccine. The treatment is a combination of therapy based on your particular illness and mostly you current blood works.  At Zen the consultation is free. 

What is the Process for  Cellular Regenerative Therapy?

Step 1- You will have a free  consultation with our Zen Medical Team to determine if you are suitable for the therapy. At this consultation you will be asked about prior and present Medical history .

Step 2- The patient make the decision to move forward based on the consultation .

Step 3- An appointment will be made to take blood to run a series of tests to determine and confirm the patient meets the requirements to Proceed with the therapy. The Blood works include CBC, Blood Group,HbA1c,Blood Sugar,Lipid Profile,Creatinine,kidney function,Liver Function,GGT, Tumor  Markers,AFP ,CEA ,CA 15-3, CA 19-9,PSA, Infectious Markers HBsAg , Hormones, FT4,TSH, Estradiol, LH Testosterone, Sex Binding Globulin. Of corse they may be other tests required based on current medical condition.

Step-3- Once we receive you blood works you will have a second Consultation where the Zen Medical team will recommend which cellular therapy will suit the patient best in relation to all the acquired information. 

Step-4- Once the patient has confirmed they wish to proceed they will first under go Colonic Hydro Cleansing  two days before the Cellular therapy starts.

Step-5- Regardless of the amount of Cells required for the therapy the maximum every 5 days is 15 million cells , before this takes place the patient will enter a HBOT chamber at 1.3 ATA and then the Cells are administered along with an Immune Booster. Step 5 will be repeated every 5 to 10 days depending on the patients age and condition.

How does  cell therapy work ?

You need to think of the bodies as “workers behind the scene’s”… it a bit like an illness of an organ, the cells slowly become damaged with no symptoms until the body starts to react to the damage or degeneration . The bodies cells work the same way , in laymen’s terms…Once the cells are like little solders looking for territory under siege where they will rally to help those solders in need of reinforcement. The solders (cells) then adapt to the territory under attack and begin to multiple and fight to reclaim the territory . This does not happen over night… Cell continue to multiple intern boosting the bodies ability to slow and in some cases ward off unwanted degenerative related illnesses or injury’s. As humans we all respond differently to treatments , some faster than others, but be rest assured in the back ground behind the scenes the Cell are doing their job. At first you may feel a little tired for 24 hours , sleep is the best time for the cells to do most of their work. One shouldn’t expect a sudden change as if you are going to turn into a super human , remember cells work behind the scenes and continue to do so warding off degeneration of cells and supporting the cells in need of help. As the process continues so does longevity and a better quality of life. Some time when treating orthopaedic related injuries with cell therapy the patient may get a little swelling and aching at the related injury site, this is normal as this is how the healing process works. If swelling happens after PRP then you should just put a cold pack on and try not to take anti inflammatory medication as it may slow or restrict the cells healing process.

For PRP or Cellular Therapy to help with hair loss , how many treatment is required to see results ?

The treatment effects patients differently , initially the treatment will stimulate hair growth… Put simply, when you inject platelet-rich plasma into the scalp, the stem cells in your hair root are awoken. PRP and Cell therapy often results in hair restoration by stimulating the growth of new hair from previously dormant follicles, strengthening and thickening Your existing hairs. you must remember that the treatment may work faster on some patients than others and can take up to 3 months to see a solid thickening of hair and in some patient it happens much faster.  The growth is also based on the number of cells and treatments , the more growth factor the more the results . To give an exact time frame is not possible due to patients individual scalp health and regenerative ability.One needs to remember honesty is the best policy , what works for some may not work for others .

There seems to be different information on the internet as to how  stem cell’s are counted , how are the counted?

Cell Counting Method
Many researchers may assume cell counting method represents the instrument used to perform the assay.

The quality of the cell counting results is actually dependent on the cell counting assay and system, which includes not only the instrument, but also the assay, reagents, consumables, and the software analysis algorithms.

The entire cell counting method should be treated as a process, where each component can significantly affect the quality of the results.

Choosing a Cell Counting Assay.

Once the knowledge collection phase is complete, researchers can consider the intended use of the Cell and sample composition to determine which cell counting assay is appropriate.

There are four categories of cell counting assays relating to how the cells or measurands are assessed:
-direct total
Direct cell counting is the detection of independent signal(s) for each cell. 

-indirect total
 Indirect cell counting is the measurement of a signal from a population of cells, which is relayed back to the cell number through a mathematical model.

-direct differential
– indirect differential
Differential cell count refers to a distinguished subset of cells that is identifiable from other cell subpopulations by some measurable attribute.

-Total Cell count
Total cell count includes the count of all cells, regardless of attributes

How many Cells does the body have?

Approximately 37 trillion cells 

What are Stem Cells ?

Stem cells are cells within the body that have the ability to multiply and to differentiate into specialised cells. Stem cells often do this throughout your early life and growth cycles. In addition, they serve as repair points within the tissues, dividing to help replenish and rejuvenate other cells. When a stem cell divides, each non-primary cell has the ability to remain that what it is, or become another specialised cell, such as a brain cell, blood cell, or muscle cell, for example.Add an answer here.

Will Cellular Therapy or PRP  guarantee to cure my illness or injury?

There is no guarantee in any medical procedure , to offer such a guarantee would be irresponsible and unethical . However in saying so Sell Therapy and PRP has a lot of solid research showing its potential and healing ability for both degenerative illnesses and   OA related illness and injuries.  

Will i have discomfort after treatment of PRP or Cellular Therapy for joint related injury or illness?

Each patient varies based on their ability to heal , there weight, and health. Some patients may find discomfort and swelling after the treatment and some have no adverse reaction. 

Normally with PRP combined with Cellular Therapy has a high growth factor and this can sometimes result in some swelling and discomfort while the healing process is in play .
In most cases to ease discomfort the treating Doctor may prescribe ibuprofen 300mg 3 times per day after meals and to use a ice pack, however this should be teated  case by case  and only on the treating doctors advice .


Is there a guarantee I will be cured of my injury or illness ?

In medicine it would be inappropriate and unethical to say that there is a cure, or you will be cured of any illness or injury.

The human body is a complex System of which everybody responds to healing processes differently. Our goal Zen Clinic Is to offer the best possible chance of a better quality of life for our patients.

Will I have any Inflammation where I receive the treatment on my joints, if so for how long?

In some cases the growth factor can cause inflammation at the targeted area of injection, we recommend using a cold pack, and in some cases the doctor will Prescribe an anti-inflammatory and sometimes an antibiotic. You should expect a slight inflammation at the target area which may last for a 2 to 3day , However normally there is minimal swelling.

Why is it good to follow up my Cellular treatment with PRP?

This is simple, the more growth factor the faster the healing process.

How many days apart  should i do PRP

Depending on the injury and location at the earliest 5 days and for best possible results 7 to 14 days

What Blood tests do you require before Cellular Therapy?

For orthopedic we do not require Blood Works, however for IV Cellular you will under go the following tests to see that you meet the criteria. 

View Required Tests Here

What guarantee’s are there in therapies ?

In Medicine it would be un ethical to give any guarantees for treatment as the human body reacts and responds  differently from patient to patient, in saying this we have had great results in relation to therapies offered by Zen Clinic which you can read about in our testimonies .

Read Testimonies   

What is the cost of Cellular therapy?

First of all cellular therapy needs to be individually packaged for each patient. this is done after an evaluation of the patients health  is ascertained based on the results of specific blood tests.  Or though today cellular therapy is not as expensive as it was 5 years ago or even a year to as a matter of fact.

Zen Clinic offers free consultation to guide you through the process.      

How will MSC Cell therapy effect me and how fast will it work & when will i see the results?

What to expect after MSC IV Cell Therapy First of all don’t forget the process is not an overnight result like a miracle.

The first 3 to 5 days the Cells are deciding on their future roll in the regenerative process of the body ,In this time it’s important to try to avoid injuries that will create any unwanted inflammation or to eat foods they may cause stomach pain such as Diarrhea .

After this original training period, The cells will have decided on their rolls and begin the Rejuvenation process.

You can expect in the first five days to sometimes feel a little tired and sometimes nauseous while the cells of determining what their role will be in the process of aiding the body in the regeneration process.

After the original training  process the cell will start to work while continuing to multiply over the next 6 to 12 months assisting the body it’s ability to regenerate and replace damaged cells.

MSC Cell Therapy can sometimes effect people differently and or though in most cases there are no side effects you may experience a little tiredness and a change in your sleep patterns in the first 7 days .

In some case a small fever in the first 1 or 2 days You must remember you should not look at Stem cell as a cure but more as preventative medicine that helps slow the aging and degeneration process by assisting the bodies ability to regenerate cellular structure and replace dying cells.

Prior to therapy regardless of where or which country you choose to have the therapy, remember to have a good meal and drink a lot of fluid.

Avoid Alcohol 48 hrs before therapy.
Post Cell therapy Don’t drink Alcohol in the first 3 days of the therapy while the cells are deciding their job .
In the first 3 days prior to therapy, try not to go out in the rain or eat food that may cause Diarrhea.
Get as much rest as possible in the first 3 to 5 days.