
PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) for Joint Pain Relief

PRP injections contain a higher concentration of platelets and growth factors than naturally occurs in your blood. One of our providers at Zen Clinic takes a sample of your blood and separates the platelets. Then we inject the platelet-enriched solution into your affected joint, and tissue repair gets a boost.

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What is Orthopaedic Cellular Therapy

Cellular therapy has successfully used for major orthopedic procedures in terms of bone-joint injuries (fractures-bone defects, nonunion, and spinal injuries), osteoarthritis-cartilage defects, ligament-tendon injuries, femoral head osteonecrosis and osteogenesis imperfecta.

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HBOT (Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy)

HBOT helps your blood carry extra oxygen to speed your recovery. Extra oxygen can assist with healing, fighting infection, and stimulating the release of stem cells from your bone marrow. Stem cells can target injured or infected tissue and start the repair process.

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A high intensity focused ultrasound facial, or HIFU facial for short, is a noninvasive treatment for facial aging. This procedure is part of a growing trend for anti-aging treatments that provide some of the benefits of a facelift without the need for surgery..

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PRP for Hair loss treatment

Hair Loss. PRP injections can be effective in treating male pattern baldness, both in preventing hair loss and promoting new hair growth. PRP can also aid in the stimulation of hair growth after hair transplants.

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NK Cell Therapy

Natural Killer (NK) Cells are a type of white blood cells that act as the front line of defense against invading viruses and bacteria. NK cells respond quickly to infections and are able to distinguish good cells from abnormal ones. This is why NK cells are 100 times more effective in fighting against cancer than other white blood cells. People who have low NK cells are more likely to succumb to sickness than people with high NK cells. Their immune system is weak, inefficient, and unable to protect the body from bacteria and cancerous cells. Describe your product or give more information.

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Colonic Hydrotherapy for Detox

An important step in creating a healthy body, Zen Clinic Colonic Hydrotherapy is a safe, effective method of removing waste from the large intestine without the use of drugs. The introduction of filtered and temperature-regulated water into the colon will soften and loosen waste, resulting in evacuation through natural peristalsis.

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Testosterone Replacement Therapy

As we get older in life, our bodies and hormones change. Maintaining Testosterone is a critical essential to maintain a vibrant lifestyle.

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Does Cellular Therapy help slow the development of Parkinson Decease

Parkinson’s Disease Currently, There is no cure for Parkinson’s Disease However, science has shown us that the deterioration can in some case be slown down. Parkinson’s disease affects the nerve cells in the brain that produce dopamine. Parkinson’s symptoms include muscle rigidity, tremors and changes in speech and gait. Currently there is no treatment to cure Parkinson’s however there are good indications  that show promising results in the ability of Cellular Therapy being able to slow the process down and enhance the quality of life.

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Regenerative Cell Therapy

You may have heard about stem cells in the news, and perhaps you have wondered if they might help you or a loved one with Degenerative illnesses or injury’s. You may wonder what stem cells are, how they are being used to treat such disease and injuries, and why they are so important to longevity.

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Advanced MSC-RCT

Advanced MSC-RCT   Is a combined cellular therapy targeting the regenerative system of the human body.

In order for the body to regenerate it needs cells with this capability to support the bodies growth and fight the diseases and illnesses that are targeting parts of the human body and creating degeneration.

Advanced MSC-CRT is a  combination therapy designed to boost the immune system  and bodies ability to regenerate and rejuvenate its cellular structure and turning back time and slowing the process of Aging  

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Liver Detox Therapy

Combat Fatty Liver with Detox now. Book Now The Liver is one of the most important organs in the body . Fatty liver disease is a condition which causes fat to accumulate in your liver. There are two main types of fatty liver disease: alcoholic fatty liver disease and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Book now This Liver Detox is a combination of HBOT ( hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and an IV drip that has essential antioxidants such as Glutathione, Magnesium, and B Vitamins all in the perfect formula to help keep your liver in optimal health. Although Glutathione occurs naturally in organic fruits and vegetables, our daily food consumption does not support sufficient amounts that can provide maximum results. Glutathione is an essential antioxidant . By cleansing the liver you increase the bodies function to fight dangerous oxidants. It is suitable for those with fatty liver problems and those who frequently drink alcohol. The nutrients in this formula can increase liver efficiency to detoxify the body and change fat-soluble toxins into water-soluble ones. Then the body can effectively get rid of these toxins through the urine.

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NAD Therapy

What is NAD and why is it important? If you think that forgetfulness, foggy brain, weakness, fatigue, and certain illnesses are simply inevitable when you age, that’s understandable, because it happens to so many of the elderly. But once you take a closer look at why this correlation seems to be true, you’ll find what researchers have discovered about one very vital element in the human body — nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD).

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